Our Network

As a member of Mergers Alliance, Khronos has truly local access to the most important emerging and western markets worldwide.

  • Currently, 17 M&A advisory firms with over 250 professionals in 33 offices worldwide; global M&A sector teams drive deal origination and execute transactions
  • Since the start of 2010, Mergers Alliance teams has collectively completed over 1,600 deals, in 30 countries worldwide with an aggregate value of over USD90 billion

Mergers Alliance is a group of award winning corporate finance specialists who provide high quality advice to organizations who require international reach for their M&A strategies.

Mergers Alliance specializes in cross border M&A deals across wide range of sectors.

Each of our partner firms is an independent local specialist with an extensive transnational track record within their territories. All partners are authorized by their local financial services regulator.

Over the past 10 years our professionals have been recognised as authorities on international corporate finance transactions and in particular the Mergers Alliance advisers have built up a reputation for being:

  • Highly experienced in executing international transactions
  • Specialists in a wide range of industry sectors
  • Entrepreneurial and committed to delivering the best deals for their clients